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"Families are the roots of our future." 


Mother of Mercy Humanitarian Initiative is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to ensure that orphans and widows have access to the basic resources needed for survival including; housing, food, medicine, education and trade opportunities.


 M.O.M works with volunteers and other supporters to empower widows in their journey to achieve emotional healing, financial stability, self-sufficiency and accountability. We function  a safe haven for displaced orphans and vulnerable women, providing a positive environment in a transitional home where they receive counseling, provisions and schooling allowing each individual to develop life changing skills that help them become healthy, happy, self-sustaining people with strong foundations for a promising future.

At Risk & In Need

In Nigeria, 17.5 million children are orphans or vulnerable children. Nigeria is a very resource-limited environment. One in ten households care for an orphan or vulnerable child. At the child level, M.O.M strives to meet their needs for shelter, education, nutrition, psycho-social support, and protection. At the household level, we encounter widows with little or nothing to live on, we educate care givers while improving the overall well-being for women in the local Owerri community.

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