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Love for all Humanity is the True Love

How much love do you have for humanity? Big enough to bless lives on the streets and do good to strangers?

Love is an attribute every soul worth living should exhibit and true love for humanity encompasses all.

Alejandro Jodorowsky has a popular quote; "I don't want to just love my family; I want to love all of humanity".

True love goes beyond loving one's self or probably showing love to just one's family and friends. True love is the love that emanates from the heart, spreads to people around and spread to people far away too.

A heart filled with such love has compassion for other people, not just those close to him or her but those in need of warmth, care and love, anywhere in the world.

Here at Mother of Mercy, we show this love in practicality with resources within our reach and also stand as a mediator between lovers of humanity who want to extend their helping hands to people truly in need who have no one to run to.

Click here to learn more about us and how we've been putting smiles on the faces of this kind of persons.

You can be part of this course by donating whatever you can to assist us in our work. Click Here to Donate.

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